Thursday, 29 September 2011

Final Post

The blogging task has been challenging but also rewarding. I enjoyed working on the blog each week as I was researching different french films or film history and taking time to watch films and read articles that I otherwise would not have. The regular work I was doing made the task quite enjoyable. Every week I had to try and come up with a new idea for a post that would be original and interesting, while this was sometimes challenging it also forced me to take the time to find a different film to watch and read articles until I found something that would be good for a post. This was great as it was forcing me to become more invested in the task and the topic of my blog.
 It was sometimes difficult to find information that was useful or relevant, but generally I was able to find interesting articles or websites that I could use. The idea of writing a blog was good as it was a different and more creative version of a writing task and it allowed me to try and further explore my use of French. Overall I found it to be a very enjoyable task to complete over the semester. 

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